► On all working days and for all functions, pupils should wear school uniform.
► Personal cleanliness and tidiness are expected from all. Spitting and washing through the window is forbidden.
► The Class room, corridors and the School premises shall be kept neat and clean. Waste paper or other waste materials must always be thrown into the waste box provided. Students may always take care that the Display Board, Walls, Furniture, Black board Shelves etc. are kept neat and order. Scribbling on walls, doors and windows is strictly prohibited.
► Pupils shall observe punctuality and will be present in the school throughout the school hours.
► Every student should bring the school diary to the class daily.
► Pupils shall be self disciplined, well behaved, obedient, regular and courteous in the school as well as outside.
► The pupils should greet the teachers of this school when he/she sees him/her for the first time in the first time in the school every day. He /she should pay respect to all the teachers, elders and other respectable persons when they meet them. They should also greet one another.
► All the students should be in the class room at least five minutes before the morning bell. In the afternoon students must be in their class rooms at the first bell.
► Students shall keep silence in the class room. During the absence of a teacher they shall not leave the class room or their seats nor shall they make any noise.
► Running, Playing, Fighting, with other students or shouting inside the school building is not allowed. When passing along the corridors, during the class hours, students shall keep silence.
► Film magazines, Pornographic books and such items are not allowed in the school campus. C.D’s, Electronic equipments, Cellular Phones etc. should not be brought to the school.
► It is not advisable for students to have too much money or expensive watches, ornaments etc. in the loss of such articles.
► Students shall be responsible for the safe custody of their belongings .as a precautionary measure it is suggested that they have their names inscribed on articles like tiffin carriers, umbrella, school bags etc.
► Pupils should not move about at the time of prayer and stood in attention while singing the National Anthem.
► Speaking English is compulsory in the class rooms and in the school premises.
► Pupils are not allowed to use gold ornaments.
► Parents are requested not to enter the classrooms or speak to the teachers during the class time. Parents who seek information or wish to make any complaints should do so to the Principal and not to the teachers.
► During the school hours no student is allowed to leave the school premises without the permission of the Principal.
► Avoid phone calls to the convent during the prayer hours.(6 pm to 8pm and 5 am to 7.30 am)
► Students suffering from any contagious or infectious diseases will not be allowed to attend the school.
► Any break of the above regulation will be viewed seriously and action will be taken against the law breakers.
► i).Boy’s hair should be neatly trimmed. Fancy hair-cuts are not allowed.
ii).Girls long hair should be in two plaits (up to Std. X) and in single plait (Class XI&XII). Red ribbons should be used to tie the hair.
► Any student who fails twice in the class will have to leave the school.
► Any sort of negative criticism of the school ought to be avoided by the parents especially in the presence of the students.