School Uniform
School Uniform is compulsory. All parents are advised to manage the following uniform material for their wards in time. They are also requested not to approach the school authorities for any relaxation / excemption in this regard. White uniform is insisted on Wednesdays. Uniform is to be worn neatly. Any violation of the uniform will be dealt seriously.
►Boys : Half sleeved Grey Stripe shirt, Light Grey Pants
►Girls : V-X-Light Grey Skirt, Half sleeved Grey Stripe Shirt

On Wednesdays and Special Occasions
►Half sleeved white shirt and white pants and red belt for boys and half sleeved white shirt and white skirt and red belt for girls.
►All should wear black shoe, red socks and tie on Wednesday and special occasions.

XI-XII Uniform (Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday)
►Boys- White shirts (half sleeves) with grey pants.
►Girls- White commies (top) and grey salwar (bottom) with grey coloured over coat.

(Thursday, Friday, Saturday)
►Boys- Light Cream shirts (half sleeve) with grey colour pants.
►Girls- Light Cream commies(top) and grey colour salwar(bottom) with grey coloured overcoat.